$45 for 30 days (1 time no strings attached) Holiday Price

In short, you agree to Alta Wells LLC billing your credit card for 30 day access to the Be Well-Stay Well™ Subscriber's Area.  We do not offer a reversal or refund of charges once it has been billed.  

In addition, by checking the box, you agree that you are participating in the classes and activities within the Be Well-Stay Well™ Subscriber's Area for wellness, fitness, and informational purposes only and the information and classes provided are NOT intended to be taken as medical advice or to provide any sort of medical treatment where a license is required for said treatment.  Knowing this, you agree to participate in classes and discussions at your own risk and release Alta Wells LLC, its owners, shareholders, guest teachers/practitioners from any liability should you sustain injuries from activities, recommendations, or other services provided within this platform. 

CLICK HERE to read full terms.

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BE WELL-STAY WELL™ 30 Day Access Pass (Non-Recurring)

Access Your Body's Potential with High Quality Pilates & Movement Classes.

What you'll get:

  • Multiple weekly Pilates/movement classes at a variety of levels using no props or small props that can be performed from home.
  • Live Interaction with teacher & other students before and/or after class to give you the true live class experience
  • Includes occasional live Q&A Sessions to get clarity, ask questions, or learn more about a health related topic or movement modifications, often directly before or after classes.
  • Includes some “Eyes on You” classes to give feedback and direction directly to the students during the class.
  • Live schedule will include some classes which are geared towards specialized populations, including low bone density, healthy back, healthy knees, balance & coordination, athletes, teen classes, Oov classes, & more.
  • Classes taught by Comprehensively trained Pilates Teachers, physical therapists, yoga teachers, and select movement specialists from our network.
  • On-demand classes for when you can’t make it live.
  • BONUS:  Pilates Studio Apparatus and Oov classes both live and on-demand for those who can't make it to the studio.

**Note:  This is for 30 day access only.  It is NOT a recurring subscription. 

If you would like to have continuous access without disruption, but still the access to cancel at anytime, please check the Be Well-Stay Well™ Monthly Subscription option for $39/month OR the Be Well-Stay Well™ Annual Subscription option for $399/year.